Building Sheets
Model Builder’s Supply Line of styrene plastic and TaskBoard wood fiber sheets are perfect for almost any architectural modeling or scratch building project in Z, N, HO, S, O, G and ½” Scales. Large sheets reduce unsightly seams and provide plenty of material for any project. Each package includes painting and weathering instructions with full color reference photos.

All content of this website is considered to be the sole property of The N Scale Architect. Any use or reproduction in part or as a whole without the written permission of The N Scale Architect is prohibited. The N Scale Architect is a manufacturer of laser cut kits, cast resin and metal alloy kits, photo-etched brass & stainless steel kits, vehicle & scenic detailing parts, 3-D printed car kits and styrene plastic sheets for building architectural and scratch built models in HO, N, Z, O, G & 1/2" Scales.
All Rights Reserved 2025.