Scenery Products
Model Builder’s Supply Photo-Etched Fence (N & Z Scale) and Foreground Trees (N & Z Scale). Fence is Available in nearly a Dozen Different Styles and Lengths up to 720 Scale Feet !!!. Hand Made Foreground Trees feature Realistic Colors & Shapes, Fiber Bonded “Leaves”, Finely Etched Metal Branches, Hand-Painted Armatures, Metal Planting Stake and Reusable Storage Case. No assembly Required. Fence can be painted or chemically darkened, cut to length and planted on your layout in a matter of minutes. Tree are ready to plant right out of the box !!!

All content of this website is considered to be the sole property of The N Scale Architect. Any use or reproduction in part or as a whole without the written permission of The N Scale Architect is prohibited. The N Scale Architect is a manufacturer of laser cut kits, cast resin and metal alloy kits, photo-etched brass & stainless steel kits, vehicle & scenic detailing parts, 3-D printed car kits and styrene plastic sheets for building architectural and scratch built models in HO, N, Z, O, G & 1/2" Scales.
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