Structure Kits
Consisting of our Railway Heritage Models (HO-Scale), N Scale Architect (N-Scale), and Nansen Street Models (Z-Scale) Product Lines. Laser-Cut “Warp Resistant” High Strength Micro-Plywood and “Bubble Free” Cast Resin Kits featuring Illustrated Step-By-Step Instructions, Scale Drawings & Assembly Photos, Laser-cut or Full Color Window Glazing, Laser-cut Self-Stick Shingle & Brick Sheets, Numerous Roofing Options and Custom Alloy and Resin Detail Castings.

All content of this website is considered to be the sole property of The N Scale Architect. Any use or reproduction in part or as a whole without the written permission of The N Scale Architect is prohibited. The N Scale Architect is a manufacturer of laser cut kits, cast resin and metal alloy kits, photo-etched brass & stainless steel kits, vehicle & scenic detailing parts, 3-D printed car kits and styrene plastic sheets for building architectural and scratch built models in HO, N, Z, O, G & 1/2" Scales.
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