C & H Brick & Block Company Kit – N


From clay bank to finished bricks, blocks & tiles, the all new ‘C & H Brick & Block Company’ covers all major aspects of a modern brick making operation. It is a major industry for any layout or module consisting of a Drying-Setting Shed, Mixing-Molding (Pug) Mill, Loading Docks, Material Distribution Plant and five(5) newly mastered BeeHive Kilns with Chimneys.

This micro-plywood kit includes hundreds of laser-cut parts, an internal support system, glazing sheet, multiple roofing options and nearly 200 windows, doors & detail parts. As with all of our kits, these high quality materials are complemented by our step-by-step instructions, in-progress photos and a full set of scale drawings. The completed display shown measures approximately 22″L x 10″W x 4″H and features our exclusive M-TRAK Nn30 industrial railway system, Nn30 railway vehicles and numerous new scenic details (Items#20106 thru #20119) which are available separately.

A ‘C&H Brick & Block – Site Plan’ with more detailed dimensions and sample M-TRAK layout is available in the download area of this website or by request via e-mail: thenarch.com@gmail.com. A ‘M-TRAK Track Planning Guide’ is also available.

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