Curtain Wall System Window/Loading Door Panel Kit – N


This Curtain Wall Panel System provides a laser-cut 7.5″w x 5″h fiber board wall panel in two(2) different configurations (ALL-WINDOW KIT #50088, WINDOW/LOADING DOOR KIT #50089 OR TWIN-PAK (BOTH KITS) #50068) along with laser-cut “concrete” and plastic brick sheets with self-stick vertical and horizontal architectural elements.  The wall panels have selectable openings that can be removed for window, door & pass-thru openings or left in place for plain concrete or brick areas.  These laser-cut self-stick concrete and brick pieces are applied to the front of these Wall Panels in numerous combinations.  Also included with each kit is dozens of windows & doors from the Tichy Group and two(2) 7.5″w x 5″h fiber board sheets in two(2) thicknesses used to build loading docks, roofs, and support.  Each wall panel kit can be easily cut & rejoined in different arrangements or combined with additional kits to create expansive multi-story flats, low-relief and 3-D models.  Each kit includes a QuickCut™ glazing sheet and full-color instructions.  Roof details shown are available separately as part of our “Making A Scene” product line (Items #20082 thru #20094).

SKU: 50089 Categories: ,